Just wanted to let everyone know that Little River Sportfishing will be calling Cherry Grove Marina home beginning April 1, 2023. Our new address is Cherry Grove Marina, 2201 Little River Neck Rd, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582. Cherry Grove Marina has done a complete overhaul of their facilities over the winter and we are excited for our customers to visit this quality marina. Cherry Grove Marina covers a large are of land and our slip is located right behind Captain Archie's Restaurant. We will be occupying slip A-26. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call. We look forward to this new chapter for Little River Sportfishing.
#littleriversportfishing #northmyrtlebeachsc #lateagain #gradylife #mercurymarine #charterboatfishing #baitmasters #myrtlebeachsc #charterfishing #charterboat #mercuryoutboards #pennreels
